The 2021 IEEE - EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing (S3P‐2021) - Signal Processing for human-machine communication and interaction (SP-HMCI) is the eight edition of the Summer School technically co-sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), via the Seasonal Schools in Signal Processing (S3P) initiative, the SPS Italy Chapter, and EURASIP.
The main goal of the School is to provide an overview of the state of the art on the most advanced signal processing techniques relevant for human-computer communication and interaction (HCMI).
The School is opened to Ph.D. students and practitioners and will have a strong focus on signal processing. The invited lecturers will present novel signal processing algorithms, technologies, and applications, while also reviewing HCMI state-of-the-art approaches:
- Björn Schuller, Imperial College London, UK
- Andrea Cavallaro, Queen Mary University of London, UK (IEEE Distinguished Lecturer)
- Sadasivan Puthusserypady, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Christoph Guger, g.tec medical engineering, Austria
- David Abbink, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Janusz Konrad, Boston University, USA
- Sergios Theodoridis, University of Athens, Greece
The School will also give students the opportunity to present their work and to interact with the teachers about their current and future research. A test will be performed during the last day to obtain a certificate worth ECTS credits.
Due to the current pandemic, the IEEE S3P-2021 School will be held virtually.
The IEEE SPS Italy Chapter Meeting, co-located with the S3P2021 Summer School, will take place on September 8, 2021.
The IEEE S3P-2021 is organized with the support of Roma Tre University.